New research shows that 23% of a website’s overall page score on Google is due to fresh content. This means that a website that features new content will rank higher in a Google search, making your website pop to the top!

However, Google isn’t interested in just any content. After the Panda update, Google started to have the ability to determine quality of content on a website. Google is searching for sites that provide new and relevant content to viewers, not a site that autogenerates, has thin information, or offers duplicate information time and time again. So, it’s pretty obvious that being active on your website is essential if you want to be on the top of a Google search. Now, how do you do it?
There are many ways to stay active on your website, and gain a higher Google score, without breaking your back. One easy way to show Google that you are relevant is to write niche content on your website and provide internal links. By linking current content to previous content on your website, your website will rank higher in the list. The key with internal linking is to be patient: it typically takes about three months of linking relevant pages together for Google to pick up on it! Another simple way to show activity on your website is to update content with visual images. Your website will gain relevancy points by displaying images in the midst of your website copy.
Of course, a great way to be relevant for Google algorithms is to be active on social media and to share your content in the social sphere. While it is not proven that social shares currently impact your Google rating, increasing your social shares will lead to more traffic. Website traffic is a great benefit all by itself, but additional traffic will generally lead to natural backlinks, which is a factor in a higher Google ranking. Share your new content on social media with a link back to the website and you are going to quickly see your brand bloom on Google.
According to Google, a website that is updated once a day, or even once every two or three days, is considered a frequently updated site. So, the easiest way to boost your Google rank is to provide relevant content, featuring a visual image, at least twice a week. This shows Google that your website is relevant and that your brand is an authority worthy of a place on the top of the search list. Recent research shows that the top result on Google captures 33% of search traffic and flaunts a 36.4% clickthrough rate…Don’t you want that to be your website?
Lindy Chaffin Start is principal and creative director at Unstoppable Start Studios based in Atlanta, Georgia. She contributes her knowing and talents as a marketer to small businesses across the country and listeners around the world.
To schedule a plan to refresh your website regularly, contact us.